How to Solve Determine The Normal Stress In The Bolt and In The Tube

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Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

How to Solve Determine The Normal Stress In The Bolt and In The Tube

mechanics of materials

2.40 A brass bolt  (Eb = 15 x 106 psi) with a 3/8-in. diameter is filted inside a steel tube (Et = 29 x 106 psi) with a 7/8-in. outer diameter and 1/8-in wall thickness. After the nut has been fit snugly, it is tighened on quarter of a full turn. Knowing that the bolt is single-threaded with a 0,1-in. pitch, determine the normal stress (a) in the bolt, (b) in the tube.

mechanics of materials


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