This Problem and Solution Mechanics of Materials by Beer, John T. DeWolf

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This Problem and Solution Mechanics of Materials by Beer, John T. DeWolf

Mechanics of Materials

2.9  A block of 10-in, length and 1,8 x 1,6 in. Cross section is to support a centric compressive load P. The material to be used is a bronze for which E = 1,4 x 106 psi. Determine the largest load which can be applied, knowing that normal stress must not excedd 18 ksi and that the decrease in length of the block should be at most 0,12 % of its original length.
Guru Solution

Considering allowable stress
σ = 18 ksi = 18 x 103 psi
A = (1,8)(1,6) 2,88 in2
Mechanic of Materials
Considering allowable deformation
Mechanic of Materials
Smaller value governs
P = 48,4 x 103lb
P = 48,4 kips 


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