This Problem and Solution Deformations and Axial Loading (Mechanic of Materials)

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This Problem and Solution Deformations and Axial Loading (Mechanic of Materials)

Mechanics of Materials

2.2  A 4,8-ft-long steel wire od 1/4 –in diameter steel wire is subjected to a 750-lb tensile load. Knowing that E = 29 x 106 psi, determine (a) the elongation of the wire, (b) the corresponding normal stress.

Guru Solution (a)
L    = 4,8 ft
= 57,6 in
A   = p/4 . d2
= p/4 . (1/4)2
= 49,087 x 10-3 in2
d        = (P.L)/(A.E)
= (750 x 57,6)/ (49,087 x10-3)(29 x 106)
= 30,3 x 10-3 in
= 0,0303 in
Guru Solution (b)
d    = P/A
            = 750/ 49.087 x 10-3
            = 15,28 x 103 psi
            = 15,28 ksi


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